Tuesday 15 March 2011

Quran Teaching

One of the best ways of getting closer to the Mightiest God is by knowing him better, and one of the best ways to do that is by learning Quran and helping others do so by Quran teaching. Quran is the biggest and most authentic source of knowledge, wisdom and enlightenment of body and soul. That is why Quran teaching and learning are considered to be highly privileged acts and the faithful ones feel honored and blessed getting involved in Quran learning and Quran teaching.
There are numerous verses and ahadith shedding light on the significance of Quran teaching and learning, such as:
Al-Araf [7:2] A book revealed unto thee― so let thy heart be oppressed no more by any difficulty on that account that with it thou mightest warn (the erring) and teach the Believers.
Al-Baqara [2:121] Those to whom We have sent the book! study it as it should be studied; they are the ones that believe therein; those who reject faith therein the loss is their own.
Greatest of all prophets, Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also signifies the worth of Quran teaching and learning in these words:
“The best among you is the one who learnt Quran and taught it to others”.
“The house in which the Holy Quran is read looks as bright as the shining stars to those who live in heavens”.
That is why Quran teaching and learning is an integral part of social life of Muslims all over the world and Islamic parents take special measures to help their children get the best of Quran teaching.

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